Category: My Clear Mind

  • How to Manage Your  Triggers

    How to Manage Your Triggers

    Anyone who has been through any type of trauma may have experienced or will experience ‘being triggered’. But I have come to learn that not everyone knows how to manage these triggers when they occur, more so being proactive about it. In my last post, I wrote about understanding triggers, now let us learn how…

  • Understanding  Triggers

    Understanding Triggers

    Would you agree that a problem you don’t understand you cannot effectively deal with? Same holds true for understanding triggers. As someone who experienced trauma, I had a lot of triggers. On my parents’ birthday or death anniversaries, I used to get depressed. Or when I spoke to certain people from my past, I would…

  • When We  Were Teens

    When We Were Teens

    All too quickly, adults forget what it was like when we were teens. So we have lots of teens who keep issues to themselves and end up making mistakes that could have been avoided if only we chose to remember what it was like when we were teens and provided the support they need. So…

  • It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week

    Starting tomorrow (Sunday October 4th-10th, 2020) is Mental Illness Awareness Week. The week culminates into the World Mental Health Day I could not think of a better time to upload the Instagram live chat I had with Dr. Temitayo Aboaba, who is a Geriatric Psychiatrist. In this video we: debunked some myths around mental health,…

  • Why you should know about the mental health spectrum

    Why you should know about the mental health spectrum

    “Ignorance is bliss”. Ever heard that before? I bet you have. But is it really? Food for thought- for you, not me! Get thinking after reading this. You ever heard of the mental health spectrum? If you have, give yourself a pat on the back, welcome to the elite club! If not, then now you…

  • Guilty Mom-Wife

    Guilty Mom-Wife

    ‘Guilty mom-wife’, those were the words Jane’s friend said to her when she tried so hard to make her feel bad for being a career woman. guilty-mom-wife-what would you say to Jane? What would you say to Jane, as those words plagued at her heart? Is she really a guilty mom-wife who denies her husband…

  • From Suicide to Purpose: The Day I ‘Died’

    From Suicide to Purpose: The Day I ‘Died’

    Going from suicide to purpose on the day I ‘died’, I found life. I had just been stood up by my boyfriend at the time. He said he was too sick to go to class to read, I offered to cook him something and send to his room, he declined. I had exams in two…