Category: My Clear Mind
How to Manage Your Triggers
Anyone who has been through any type of trauma may have experienced or will experience ‘being triggered’. But I have come to learn that not everyone knows how to manage these triggers when they occur, more so being proactive about it. In my last post, I wrote about understanding triggers, now let us learn how…
Understanding Triggers
Would you agree that a problem you don’t understand you cannot effectively deal with? Same holds true for understanding triggers. As someone who experienced trauma, I had a lot of triggers. On my parents’ birthday or death anniversaries, I used to get depressed. Or when I spoke to certain people from my past, I would…
It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week
Starting tomorrow (Sunday October 4th-10th, 2020) is Mental Illness Awareness Week. The week culminates into the World Mental Health Day I could not think of a better time to upload the Instagram live chat I had with Dr. Temitayo Aboaba, who is a Geriatric Psychiatrist. In this video we: debunked some myths around mental health,…
Why you should know about the mental health spectrum
“Ignorance is bliss”. Ever heard that before? I bet you have. But is it really? Food for thought- for you, not me! Get thinking after reading this. You ever heard of the mental health spectrum? If you have, give yourself a pat on the back, welcome to the elite club! If not, then now you…
Guilty Mom-Wife
‘Guilty mom-wife’, those were the words Jane’s friend said to her when she tried so hard to make her feel bad for being a career woman. guilty-mom-wife-what would you say to Jane? What would you say to Jane, as those words plagued at her heart? Is she really a guilty mom-wife who denies her husband…
From Suicide to Purpose: The Day I ‘Died’
Going from suicide to purpose on the day I ‘died’, I found life. I had just been stood up by my boyfriend at the time. He said he was too sick to go to class to read, I offered to cook him something and send to his room, he declined. I had exams in two…