Tag: sexual abuse survivor

  • “Why Now?” Answering the Question of  Why  Sexual Violence Survivors ‘Stay Silent’

    “Why Now?” Answering the Question of Why Sexual Violence Survivors ‘Stay Silent’

    As I resume writing again on loudislences.org, I was thinking about what people might feel about my ‘silence’ for the last couple months on this platform. While this was due to some life-evalution I was undertaking, I could not help but feel like I owed my readers an explanation.  But it was not the first…

  • Understanding  Triggers

    Understanding Triggers

    Would you agree that a problem you don’t understand you cannot effectively deal with? Same holds true for understanding triggers. As someone who experienced trauma, I had a lot of triggers. On my parents’ birthday or death anniversaries, I used to get depressed. Or when I spoke to certain people from my past, I would…