Author: Anita

  • Why you should know about the mental health spectrum

    Why you should know about the mental health spectrum

    “Ignorance is bliss”. Ever heard that before? I bet you have. But is it really? Food for thought- for you, not me! Get thinking after reading this. You ever heard of the mental health spectrum? If you have, give yourself a pat on the back, welcome to the elite club! If not, then now you…

  • Guilty Mom-Wife

    Guilty Mom-Wife

    ‘Guilty mom-wife’, those were the words Jane’s friend said to her when she tried so hard to make her feel bad for being a career woman. guilty-mom-wife-what would you say to Jane? What would you say to Jane, as those words plagued at her heart? Is she really a guilty mom-wife who denies her husband…

  • What if you could take a peek into the Future….

    The Adult Life of A Sexually Abused Child What if you could take a peek into the future to see what the adult life of a sexually abused child look like? Well you can. But today I will not be sharing my story. I will be sharing someone else’s. You know yourself and I want…

  • From Suicide to Purpose: The Day I ‘Died’

    From Suicide to Purpose: The Day I ‘Died’

    Going from suicide to purpose on the day I ‘died’, I found life. I had just been stood up by my boyfriend at the time. He said he was too sick to go to class to read, I offered to cook him something and send to his room, he declined. I had exams in two…

  • Here Are 5 Things YOU Can Do To End Rape Culture

    Here Are 5 Things YOU Can Do To End Rape Culture

    There a number of things YOU can do to end rape culture. Yes YOU (male, female, mother, father, single, married, teenager, young adult, student, worker etc.). Today, we will focus on 5 things YOU can do to end rape culture. To change anything systemic, including rape culture, you have to apply systemic strategies to dealing…

  • CSA – Meaning, Signs & Effects

    In my last post on CSA & Your Child I promised to help us understand what CSA means. In this post, we will explore the meaning, signs and effects of CSA. What is CSA? It is an acronym that stands for Child Sexual Abuse, and in plain English, it would mean ‘abusing a child sexually,…

  • CSA & Your Child

    CSA & Your Child

    Intro… All too often there are cases of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), all over the world including our dear Nigeria. More rampant than we would like to admit, yet children suffer. Unfortunately perpetrators often go unpunished and sometimes unnoticed. From clergymen, to neighbours, family members and even sometimes, parents unleash this evil on children. According…

  • Scars: She is They!

    Scars: She is They!

    Your Scars are Perfect!

  • #Pink Shirt Day- Would you Stand Up to a Bully?

    Today is Pink Shirt Day! The history of Pink Shirt Day, and the courage of the two kids who stood up to bullies is amazing. I cannot help but ask, would I stand up to a bully on behalf of someone else? Would you? If you are like me, your answer probably came down to…

  • Welcome to LoudSilences- Turn it Up!

    My name is Ann Adefuye, a.k.a Anita (nee Young-Itiye). I am Nigerian (soon to also be Canadian). I am from the Kalabari tribe (Rivers State) in the South-South Region of Nigeria. I also regard myself as Yoruba- by marriage. I have three great passions that will be driven through this platform- teenagers & young adults,…